
The star of the show
is one smart little lady,
who is creative and dreamy
and her name’s Sara Sadie.

She's learning and growing
in the company of Gran,
her zany Grandma, 
and number one fan!

She is a child to which
growing kids may relate,
because she is learning and growing
at their very same rate.

I'm gathering her stories
so others may read,
and follow along
through a storybook feed.

The stories are written
and put into queues
leaving room to incorporate
relevant news.

An entertainment style
for the new generation
to encourage reading, creativity
and healthy conversation.

Or perhaps to explain this
in one other way,
like a TV show that's read,
and takes place today.

So while I am building,
designing and painting,
and strategizing all things remaining,
stay up to date
by signing up on this list
and if you have thoughts
or ways to assist,
shoot me a message
by clicking this link,
and follow and share and
let me know what you think!

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